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  • You're Awesome! A Quick HotShoe Testing Update

You're Awesome! A Quick HotShoe Testing Update

Starting Strong: Highlights from Week One

Hi Fellow Tester,

Thank you for being an essential part of HotShoe's testing journey! 🎉 Your feedback has been incredibly helpful in refining the app. Together, we've tackled some bugs that slipped under the radar and evaluated the interface’s usability.

I've got a little status update for you, as well as a particular bug I need you to keep on your radar.

In This Drop

🎞️ Highlight Reel

A few highlights as we wrap up the first week of full testing:

🧑‍🏫 Roll Call

  • Users invited to TestFlight: 27

  • Users actively testing: 24

Amazing engagement! Thanks for diving in and putting HotShoe through its paces.

🪲 Bug Squashing

  • Fixed: Video recording was squished after changing to video from camera mode.

  • Fixed: Front and back camera labels were reversed from a previous change.

  • Improved: Slider now resets to the “home” position when the app is backgrounded.

  • Improved: Audio sessions reset when the app returns to the foreground.

🚨 High Alert Bug

I need your help monitoring the audio in your recordings.

Weeks ago, I noticed a tricky issue where HotShoe would lose its microphone input without warning. It seemed to happen after using social media apps like TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube while HotShoe was running in the background.

We've implemented a fix that resets the audio session when the app comes back into the foreground. Since then, I haven't encountered the bug. However, since it's hard to replicate, please keep an eye out. If you experience any audio issues, let me know immediately!

⏲️ Upcoming Bug Fixes

We've got a couple of fixes coming your way:

  • Zoom Slider Jump: After bringing the app into the foreground, tapping the screen repositions the slider correctly, but the zoom level jumps unexpectedly. It's as if the app thinks you slid your finger from the home position to the tap location, causing sudden zoom changes.

  • Macro Lens Toggle: The macro lens toggle button appears even on devices without macro lens capabilities.

Expect these fixes in the next update!

😰 Stress Testing

I'm running recordings of 1-2 hours to ensure the app handles long-term use. We aim to support filming of extended events like sports games, family outings, and more!

If you have the chance, try recording longer videos and share your experience. Your feedback is always appreciated.

📆 App Store Submission

I'm super excited to get this first MVP release into the App Store!

Assuming no serious issues pop up in the next few days, I plan to submit HotShoe for approval by the end of this week or early next week.

Your continued testing and feedback are crucial during this final stretch. Thank you for helping make HotShoe the best it can be!

Got ideas or stumbled upon something odd? Hit reply and let me know—I’m all ears!

Thanks again for being a part of this journey. Together, we're making HotShoe awesome!


Brian Barker
Founder of HotShoe